Replacing damaged certificates
Where a certificate is damaged in transit to a candidate, Cambridge English will only issue a duplicate copy under the following conditions:
- The original certificate is returned.
- The appropriate fee is paid. This service is free if the application is made within six months of the certificate being issued by Cambridge English.
- The application is made less than two years from the certificate being issued. After this, the candidate is only eligible for a Certifying Statement.
Replacing lost certificates
Where a certificate is lost between the centre and the candidate, Cambridge English will issue a duplicate copy provided that:
- an application for a replacement certificate is made in writing by the centre of entry within 12 months of the exam date
- the examination centre has attempted to trace the certificate via the postal system
- it is more than six months since the exam date.
We can only supply a replacement certificate up to 12 months after the exam date. After this time, the candidate may only apply for a certifying statement.
Candidates who have lost their certificate may only apply for a certifying statement; a replacement certificate will not be issued.
Note: replacement certificates and certifying statements can only be issued in the name of the candidate at the time the award was made.
Results Verification Service
Candidates who do not have their certificate and need to provide proof of their examination result to immigration and other government agencies, educational institutions or employers should refer them to the online Results Verification Service.
They must provide them with two pieces of information:
- their ID Number (a sequence of nine letters and numbers)
- their Secret Number (a four-digit number).
Both of these pieces of information can be found on the Confirmation of Entry. This is sent to candidates when they register for their exam.
If a candidate has lost their Confirmation of Entry, they must contact their examination centre.
There is no charge for using the Results Verification Service.
Applying for a certifying statement
A certifying statement is a document which is accepted by universities and other institutions as proof of the examination result. Certifying statements can be requested by the candidate or by the candidate's centre of entry. Certifying statements requested by third parties must have written permission from the candidate. These can be sent, either directly to the candidate or to any public institution.
We accept payment by invoice (centres only) or credit card (Visa or Mastercard). We do not accept American Express or Diners Club. Our online forms will ask for all mandatory fields to be completed and will automatically calculate the appropriate fee required. When the form has been submitted, the applicant will receive a confirmation that their application form has been received including a unique reference number.
Payments by credit cards
To apply for a certifying statement and pay by credit card, please complete this online application form.
Useful guidelines for applying for a certifying statement – payment by credit card
For any queries regarding the certifying statement application process please contact the Helpdesk via the support site here: